Strategic Plan

Our Vision
A vibrant inclusive community for clay

To create opportunities for everyone to experience clay and be involved with a wider network of clay creators

  1. Commitment - to wider community
  2. Creativity - support the process of exploration with clay
  3. Inclusivity - of everyone
  4. Respect - everyone
  5. Sharing - a commitment to giving
  6. Visionary - to move forward courageously

Waikato’s Pottery Community Hub

Waikato Society of Potters is the Waikato’s pottery community hub. We welcome people from all walks of life, from all over the world. Nau mai, haere mai. 

We facilitate learning pottery through a range of techniques and classes to suit all abilities. Visit our classes page to learn more. The societies activities range from, supporting the Waikato Pottery community through classes, pottery advice, kilns for firing, trips to visit potter’s studios, Raku and Wood firings, workshops, exhibitions, open days and more.

We can cater for people with all learning abilities and aim to make our studios as accessible as possible. We have a table top wheel, for those finding 'riding' the potters wheels difficult.

Waikato Society of Potters is a member-based society; to learn more about the benefits of being a member visit the Membership page.

Be sure to visit and like our Facebook page for postings of interest: Waikato Society of Potters


- Edgar Degas -


Committee Members 2023 | 2024

Therese May - President
Sarah Lee - Treasurer
Suzy Dunser - Secretary
Bronwyn Wright
Caroline Hamilton
Josef Thompson Smith
Lydia Farrell

The Waikato Society of Potters Committee responsibilities, code of conduct and roles

The Committee of the Waikato Society of Potters provides governance for the society by establishing a strategic plan taking into account the large number of diverse and creative personalities who come together in this space to create, socialise and enjoy the facilities.

To maintain a positive committee environment, the members of the committee and the manager of the Society have developed the following expectations:

Each Committee Member is expected to play an active part in the Committee that functions effectively as a whole. 
A Committee Member is to: 

  1. Be informed of and understand the constituting documents and legislation under which the society exists, its vision, mission, values, codes of conduct, and policies as they pertain to the duties of a Committee Member; 

  2. Keep generally informed and up to date on the activities of the society; 

  3. Attend Committee meetings regularly and contribute from professional and life experience to the work of the Committee;

  4. Exercise, in the performance of their duties, the degree of care, diligence and skill required of a Committee Member in accordance with the Incorporated Societies Act and the society’s Constitution;

  5. Not be influenced by self-interest, outside pressure, expectation of reward or fear of criticism;

  6. Act with honesty and integrity and conduct him/herself in a manner that upholds public confidence in the conduct of the Committee’s business; 

  7. Voice, clearly and explicitly at the time a decision is being taken, any opposition to a decision being considered by the Committee; 

  8. Know and respect the distinction in the roles of Committee Members and staff consistent with the principles underlying these governance policies;

  9. Embrace the overall philosophy and values of the society and its professional working guidelines;

  10. Declare any apparent or real personal conflict of interest in accordance with the society’s Constitution, and in particular with this Code;

  11. Resign from the Committee if he/she is unable to fulfil his/her obligation as a Committee Member due to time constraints, ill health, criminal conviction or a conflict of interest; 

  12. Comply with all other codes and policies approved by the Committee from time to time;

President - The main person for communications regarding governance matters from Manager to Committee;

  • maintain profile at all gatherings – exhibitions, public occasion

  • Convene meeting

  • Set agenda for monthly meetings in liaison with Manager, Treasurer and Secretary

  • Ensure strategic plans are referenced with regard to all agenda items and matters before the Committee

  • Ensure financials are in order with liaison of all Committee and Treasure

  • Assist with sub-committees’ formation to assist with projects agreed upon

  • Direct liaison and support of Manager

  • With one other Committee Member, performance management meetings with Manager

  • Ensure Manager does performance management meetings with employees under their management

  • Maintain a regular profile in newsletters with Member

Secretary - Support of the Committee and President

  • Maintain minutes and arrange monthly meetings

  • Publish minutes appropriately

  • Support president in any/all above

Committee members - supportive and proactive in the governance oversight of the WSP

Conduct of Committee Members

A Committee Member will at all times conduct him/herself in a manner that:

  • Supports the strategic plan and best interests of the Waikato Society of Potters;

  • Brings credibility and goodwill to the society and does nothing to bring the organisation into disrepute; 

  • Demonstrates respect for society members, partner organisations and Members of the Committee; 

  • Respects and gives fair consideration to diverse and opposing viewpoints; 

  • Supports and abides by the decision of the majority where consensus cannot be reached; 

  • Avoids real or perceived conflicts of interest; and 

  • Conforms with any by-laws and policies approved by the Committee, in particular this Code and Confidentiality Agreement. 

It is the responsibility of Committee Members to treat as confidential all information regarding the policies, internal operations, systems, business or affairs of the society obtained by reason of his/her status as a Committee Member and not generally available to the public.

The Waikato Society of Potters Members code of conduct

The Waikato Society of Potters provides a space for a large number of diverse creative personalities who come together in this space to create, to socialise and enjoy the facilities.

Given the number of people the WSP Committee have developed the following basic expectations, which applies to all members (life members and full members) of the WSP, including students, non-members, guests and visitors while on WSP premises.

Health and Safety

  • All members and guests are required to sign in and sign out.

  • The nominated person on duty has responsibility that all machinery is operated in a safe manner – they have the final say.

  • In the glazing room there are signs stating when masks are to be worn, eg., when operating the spray gun, sanding bisqueware.

  • No food to be consumed in the studio space, and only drinks in closed bottles.

  • After using the studio, all clay will be cleaned up and your space left in a clean and tidy manner.

Relationships with others

  • It is expected that common courtesy and politeness is the basic rule of interaction with each other.

  • This expectation of courtesy and politeness extends to include social media platforms.

  • No offensive or intrusive behaviour will be tolerated.

  • If classes are in operation, it is expected that there is no other member or visitor in that room at the same time.

  • No member or guests are to be in the WSP rooms after hours unless with the prior express permission of the manager or person on duty.

  • Members are encouraged to participate in the running of the society by contributing their time as a volunteer.

    • Accumulating up to 30 volunteer hours per year constitutes a reduced membership for the following year. 

Kiln packing and firing

  • The Studio Assistant, Artists in Residence and Manager maintain a system for the firing of all pieces put forward for firing.

  • There will be no queue jumping for any person on the basis of their commercial enterprises – this is a charitable organisation.

  • Members will not remove work from kilns.


  • All Eftpos and cash payments must be processed by a staff member, Artist in Residence or volunteer on duty.

  • All clay purchases must be paid for – Eftpos is available.

  • All firing and glazing costs must be paid in advance or arrangements made with the Studio Assistant or Manager.


We shall not be for pecuniary gain, but to:

  • Encourage and foster learning pottery by people of all ages and abilities in order to promote a healthy community, including mental and physical rehabilitation;
  • Promote pottery and the various techniques of clay work to the wider community;
  • Hold exhibitions in order to promote the benefits of clay work to the wider community;
  • Support the Waikato pottery community by promoting activities with other bodies and individuals affiliated with pottery in the community;
  • Facilitate lectures, classes, workshops and community events connected with clay work that are accessible to all;
  • Advance education by sharing resources, tutors and facilities with other organisations and schools;
  • Provide spaces and opportunities for artists and potters to develop their skills and art form.


9.30am-4pm Monday to Friday. 

Manager, Josephine, is on site Monday - Friday, 9am - 4.30pm

Assistant Manager, Libby, is on site Tuesday - Friday, 9am - 5.30pm

Artists-in-Residents are on site some week days and can help with any enquiries:
Monday - Margaret De Freitas
Tuesday - Mark Tamura
Wednesday - Larissa Milsum & Mark Tamura

Volunteer members run the studio on Saturday mornings and Tuesday evenings.


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