Check out the latest news at Waikato Society of Potters!


Midwinter feast, raku firing, studio hours + kiln update

Beautiful pieces from the May 2023 woodfiring

Beautiful pieces from the May 2023 woodfiring

Invitation to the Medieval Solstice Feast

Saturday 24th June, 4-6pm at WSP club rooms.

We will be hosting a mid-winter pot-luck dinner at the studio and invite all our members to join us. The theme is "medieval"  but if you don't feel like dressing up, it is optional so don't let that stop you. Bring along a plate to share or just stop by to say hello.

Poster with text on black background and a black and white castle image. Waikato Society of Potters Medieval Solstice Feast: All members welcome Sat 24th June 4-6pm. Bring a plate for an early dinner otherwise feel free to pop in

Raku firing

Saturday 24th June, 10am-1pm

David is running a raku firing later this month. These are always dramatic and fun, and the results usually surprising. If possible, try to get your bisqueware glazed before the day as the glaze room is busy on Saturday mornings and David likes to get to the kiln fired up early and maximise the number of loads fired. Please book in advance:

Studio closures

Due to some workshop scheduling, the studio will be closed on a few Monday afternoons. Sorry for the disruption to usual operations. There will be no open studio on the following afternoons:

  • Monday 12th June 1-4pm

  • Monday 19th June 1-4pm

  • Monday 17th July 1-4pm

The glaze room will be unavailable on the following day as a small wood firing team will be glazing an enormous number of pieces from our collection and there will be no room for movement:

  • Friday 16th June 9.30am-4pm

Kiln updates

Kilns 2 and 3 are up and running again. We (and especially the amazing Margaret) are working hard to catch up with the backlog. Thanks to David Kenny for replacing the elements!


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