Check out the latest news at Waikato Society of Potters!


Fresh clay, clear glaze and wood fire magic


Lots of clay has arrived this week! Notable mentions:

  • Walkers paper clay (restock)

  • Walker’s specialty clays (restock)

  • Macs Speckled Buff (new)

  • 10kg of Macs Mud available

  • Primo Black Clay (available next week)

  • Primo Toast (next week)

  • Recycled Clay – 6kg bags available for a limited time

Do you love the Waikato Society of Potters? Would you like to help shape decisions and the future of our club?

The word committee always sounds a bit formal! However, we are putting a call out to anyone who would like to become a member of the committee. As an incorporated society it is vital that we have a committee to support our members and make important decisions. The WSP literally would not exist (the way it does today) without our wonderful committee members. If you value the society, please consider joining. Meetings are once a month for an hour via Google meets on Wednesday at 6pm + volunteering for events.

Expressions of interest:

Throw down your clay next weekend! 

A friendly reminder that The Mighty Waikato Pottery Throwdown will be taking place next Saturday 25th of Feb at 2pm! All members are welcome, bring a kai and yourself along for a fun afternoon. If you'd like to register, please click here.

Glaze workshops

We have received so much feedback from you all, wanting to learn more about the mysteries of glazing! We are going to start off with a general Glaze101 on Saturday the 4th of March  (2-5pm, hosted by the lovely Yasmin Davis). We are looking into tutors and dates for the rest of the year, just wanted everyone to know... You have been heard!

Clear Glaze: We are in the midst of testing a new cone.6 clear glaze. This has been an ongoing mission. Fingers crossed!!

Woodfire Magic

We have a small selection of work from our last wood firing on display in the cabinet at the studio. It will be available for inspiration over the next few weeks. 

Links for fundraisers

This is for anyone who has the resources to support whānau affected by the cyclone, particularly in Te Tairāwhiti (Gisborne and East Coast) and Kahungunu, Wairoa who have been severely hit. There is an epic mahi toi/art auction happening through the Ihorei Gallery Instagram with all funds being directed to communities in need (link also attached below).  

Note to Tutors, AR's and Students

This is a reminder to tutors, students and artists in residence. Please be sure to lock the front door and make sure all other doors are closed during night classes. If you see anyone unknown enter the building, please let your tutor know. 


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