Check out the latest news at Waikato Society of Potters!


Teapots with Suzy Dunser, a Phoenix wood firing, new classes and other news

Teapot workshop with Suzy Dunser

Two off white ceramic teapots sit on top of a rusted metal surface

A treat for our wheel throwers!

Are you keen to learn the fundamentals of teapot creation? During this 2-day workshop, you will learn how to understand the different components of a teapot, how to optimise their function, and how the teapot components interact with each other visually. You will have the opportunity to make and assemble two different thrown teapots, exploring different bodies, lids, handles and spouts.

Intermediate level workshop for those confident centering 1kg of clay and  throwing a cylinder that is taller than it is wide. Find out more...

A woman with a pale coloured headband is smiling at the camera, bending forwards over a ceramic teapot in the foreground. She wears an olive green tee shirt and jeans with a red and white striped apron on top.

Phoenix woodfiring with Ginny Lane

5-7 May

After missing out on firing the Phoenix last year after an injury, Ginny is back!

WSP members are invited to book a spot on the upcoming club woodfiring. New comers and experienced wood firers are welcome. If it's your first time, be sure to read the information on the event page as there are a few things to be aware of in choosing clay and glazes, volume requirements and time commitments. If you have any questions, please get in touch to ask. Wood firings are also a great bonding weekend experience and you will almost certainly make some friends. Places are limited.

New beginner classes

Sunday Wheel Throwing with Sarah Steed

Beginning this weekend,
10am-1pm Sunday 19 March to 16 April - 4 weeks with a break for Easter Sunday.
Just a few places left

Friday Introduction to Pottery with David Kenny

Beginning Friday 24 March.
6-9pm 24 March to 21 April with a break for Good Friday.

Also coming up

Raku Club Firing - 6-9pm on Tuesday 21 March (a few places remaining)

Play With Clay
Saturday 18 March 10am-1pm
Tuesday 21 March 6-9pm
Wednesday 22 March 9.30am-12.30pm

Open Studio next week
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 1-4pm
Friday 9.30am-4pm

Matariki artist callouts - The Incubator

In conjunction with Te Papa Atawhai Department of Conservation, the Incubator are calling for submissions for a curated art exhibition (including an Uku Clay Exhibition) to be held at Historic Village from Friday 16 June to Monday 24 July. Submissions close at the end of March.

Opportunity in Waipa for artists


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