Check out the latest news at Waikato Society of Potters!


Javier Murcia and the WSP Open Day

A selection of grey head sculptures against a white background. To the right of the heads there is a sculpture of a cat

Two masterclasses with Javier Murcia

Javier Murcia is returning to WSP in July for two weekend sculpture workshops: Head Studies (1-2 July) and Simplified Figure (8-9 July).

Javier Murcia, a Spanish sculptor, studied fine arts at the University of La Laguna in the Canary Islands. He combined these studies with the study of anatomy at the Faculty of Medicine of the same university to develop full command of this beautiful subject that he is so passionate about.

Javier is an internationally recognised artist with pieces completed and sold in New Zealand, the United States and Europe. He has collaborated with artists Christian Lemmerz and Michael Kvium creating works for private art collections. One of the works completed is a monumental sculpture of Medusa commissioned by the Kristiansen family, the founders of LEGO.

Now based in New Zealand, Javier has continued to create collections for exhibition, commissioned pieces, and also shares his skills through workshops. He is a talented teacher and even novice students achieve fantastic results in weekend workshops.

Open Day

Saturday 15 April, 10am-2pm

Our club's open day is fast approaching and we need your help! Open Day is a great way to let the community know about the joys of clay.

We need help to spread the word - please tell your friends, it's going to be an awesome event for all ages. There's a printable poster you can download. We would be so grateful if you could share it with your friends, on your university or workplace noticeboard, or tell your local school about it. We don't have any funding for the event this year so it will cost people just a few dollars to have a go, but with your help, we can keep the cost really affordable for families.

We have a small team at the studio and on the committee, and open days can be quite hectic, so we are also asking our members to help on the day if possible.

  • Help people have a go: If you've got some wheel throwing or handbuilding skills, you might be able to help someone have a go at making something.

  • Food: If you are a keen baker, you might be able to donate some baking for the cake table.

  • The raffle: You might help sell some raffle tickets on the day, or donate some raffle prizes.

  • We'll have a hamper draw too, so some donated food items would also be awesome.

  • Lend us a display item - we want to show off the talent of our awesome community. If you have a piece of work that you would be happy for us to exhibit in our cabinet, let us know. It will be returned after the event. 

There's a lot to be done so if you would like to help, please get in touch with us and let us know how what you would like to help with:


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