Check out the latest news at Waikato Society of Potters!


Clay reclaim, raku club, and more...

Kia ora!

Classes are underway this week and it’s been great seeing the studio getting busier and welcoming new faces to our community. And with the increase in studio use the kilns are running hot! Margaret is (as ever) doing a marvellous job of getting all your work fired, especially with Kiln 1 down, so with the extra work coming in, everything is making its way through the process in the usual speedy manner.

Raku Club

Raku Club is on Saturday the 24th of February. If you’d like to sign up, check our enrolments page on Events Pronto. Remember your work needs to be bisqued before it can be Raku’d, and it is preferable that you glaze it before the Saturday so it has time to dry out before going in the kiln. You’ll need to use the special Raku glazes too, so please chat to Libby if you can’t find them in the glaze room.

Clay Reclaim

We recently received funding for some industrial shelves that have been put to use in our clay reclaim process. We’ve been able to increase the number of plaster batts we use to dry out the clay slops, which helps us save more clay from being wasted! And helps us make some interesting and affordable clay available to our pottery whānau.

With the increase in capacity, we can now take your unwanted, clean clay scraps and slops as well, so if you’ve got waste that you don’t want and don’t know what to do with, feel free to drop it into us.

Volunteers for Tuesday PWC

Thanks so much to those who have volunteered to help Margaret with Tuesday evening Play with Clay already! It’d be great to get two more volunteers to add to the roster if we can. A small amount of pottery experience would be helpful so you can answer basic queries about the pottery process etc. Please get in touch with Libby at if this is something you would be interested in. In return we can hook you up with a free Open Studio or Play with Clay session on another day.

Studio schedule

No holidays this week to be aware of, so we’re settling into our standard Term 1 routine. Be sure to check the online calendar though, in case we have private bookings on.

Saturday 10th Feb

10am-1pm Play with Clay

Sunday 11th Feb

10am-1pm Class – Wheel Taster

Monday 12th Feb

9.30am - 12.30pm Class - Wheel Throwing

1pm - 4pm Members’ Open Studio

6pm - 9pm Class - Wheel Throwing

Tuesday 13th Feb

9.30am - 4pm Members’ Open Studio

6pm - 9pm Play with Clay

Wednesday 14th Feb

9.30am - 12.30pm Play with Clay

1pm - 4pm Members’ Open Studio

6pm - 9pm Class - Wheel Throwing

Thursday 15th Feb

9.30am - 12.30pm Class - Animal Sculpture

1pm - 4pm Members’ Open Studio

6pm - 9pm Class - Hand Building

Friday 16th Feb

9.30am - 4pm Members’ Open Studio

6pm - 9pm Class - Intro to Pottery

Saturday 17th Feb

9.30am - 1pm Play with Clay

Sunday 18th Feb

10am - 1pm Class - Wheel Throwing

Member Exhibition

A Devotion to Form
Sculpture and Paintings by Sylvia Sinel
3 February – 31 March
Artist Talk & Mingle 3pm, 10th February
Welcome Swallow City Gallery, 209 Ward St, Hamilton

Sylvia Sinel, a WSP member, tutor, past Diploma Student and friend to many, invites you to her exhibition which is running in conjunction with the Boon Sculpture Trail. “It's a retrospective exhibition including over 100 pieces of work I have made over the years, including the Diploma work which I won ‘Recognition of Achievement’ for.”

International Women’s Day Friday 8 March

South Waikato Disctrict Coucil and South Waikato Investment Fund Trust are celebrating IWD with an event to raise aspiration, awareness and self-belief amongst female year 12 and 13 students. It will be held at the Tokora Events Centre 9.15am to 12.15pm. They hope to showcase work from various artists who would be able to engage in conversation with attendees. Tables will be made available. If you’re interested in inspiring the ceramicists of the future please contact the event co-ordinator Sabeena Kapur at


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