Check out the latest news at Waikato Society of Potters!


Potters' Press - 11 June 2021


  • Play with Clay is running tomorrow with our awesome volunteers, Teresa and Linda, here to look after you. Sessions for the following week are below: 
    • Open Studio:  next week – Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 1-4pm and Thursday 10am-12.30pm 
    • Play with Clay: Tuesday 6-9pm, Wednesday 9.30am-12.30pm 
  • Payments by bank transfer – If you sometimes make payments by bank transfer, please remember to add a helpful reference so we know what the payment is for. For auditing purposes, we need to be able to distinguish payments by service type. If you have booked something online, there is a booking reference that can be used (usually begins “BRN” followed by 3 numbers). Otherwise, payments can be referenced by type, for example “Firing”, “Membership”, “Donation”, “Kiln hire” etc. This makes it much easier for the people handling the accounts and is very much appreciated. 
  • Gas kiln firing this weekend – Libby is running the club firing of the gas kiln this weekend. Unpacking will be early next week. Check in around the middle of next week for your pieces.  
  • Health and safety – just a quick reminder that sanding and rubbing off powdery glaze should be done outside (with a mask). If inhaled, the dust is dangerous and we want everyone to be safe. We appreciate your help with this as we are responsible for your safety in the studio.  


We are firing up the Phoenix wood kiln next month with Duncan Shearer visiting as Firemaster. A limited number of spaces are available to share the use of the kiln on this upcoming wood firing. Bookings are open to WSP members only. 

Booking requires you to participate on at least two of the days to help with the preparation, packing and firing of the kiln.

  • Friday 16th July: prep shelves and kiln
  • Saturday 17th July: packing kiln
  • Sunday 18th July: firing kiln

To secure a space, book with a deposit online


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