Check out the latest news at Waikato Society of Potters!


WSP Annual Exhibition 2021 postponed

Annual exhibition postponed | Level 3 COVID-19 restrictions update

Dear potters,
I hope you are all safe in your bubbles. I have some important updates so please read through the following.


The studio continues to be closed at Level 3. 

Pick-ups and drop-offs are on hold this week due to Level 3 restrictions. We will review as the government announce any developments.


Our hearts have been swelling seeing the exhibition entires coming in.

With the Waikato COVID-19 situation looking concerning, the committee have made the difficult decision to postpone the exhibition.The exhibition is currently scheduled to launch next week. If we remain at Level 3, we will be unable to install. Even if we move to Level 2, restrictions won't permit us to hold an opening ceremony. In addition, the limited studio access for members since the August lockdown meant many of our members have had fewer opportunities to make and fire work. 

Postponement means that people will have a longer period of time to make work for the exhibition and, we hope that by the time the exhibition opening rolls around, we will be able to hold the celebratory ceremony that our members deserve.

We have secured the nearest available dates at ArtsPost: 27 May - 27 June 2022.It's a long wait, but it will hopefully be a lovely winter treat for everyone. If you have already sent in your entry, you are welcome to keep that selection.

You are also welcome to change your mind in the meantime and submit something different.I would also like to invite members to send photos of work they would like us to share on a dedicated page on our website, a virtual exhibition of lookdown makes. Please email images to me if you would like to show others what you have been working on.I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

I know it is disappointing. We are living in uncertain times and have to constantly adapt. As long as restriction levels allow, we have a few awesome events planned for you all before the year ends and will let you know about these as soon as we are able.

Kia kaha,


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