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Potters' Press 26 November 2021

Mold-making masterclass with Javier Murcia

We are lucky to have Javier Murcia with us for two weekends in a row.

We had already booked Javier to run a Simplified Figure Sculpture workshop earlier in the year. Lockdown meant postponing to a later date and we picked December in the hope of being open again. As Javier is coming from Wellington, he has decided to make an adventure of the trip and stay a little longer. This means we have an amazing opportunity of a second workshop from this gifted artist.

The mold-making and casting workshop is extra special, teaching a number of techniques and includes silicone as well as plaster. It is also perfect for sculptors among us as molding and casting allow us to preserve the shapes we have worked so hard to create.

It will be a real treat. 

We have priced this workshop close to cost (the materials as well as all tutor fees and expenses) because we understand it's been a tough time these last few months. More detail about the 3 day workshop is on the booking page.

This weekend in the studio

Saturday morning

10am-1pm - Members' only Open Studio - booking essential and still a few places left
2-5pm - Glazing 101 workshop (sold out)

Next week

Members' only Open Studio at the following times. Booking is essential.
Monday 29 November morning
Monday 29 November afternoon
Tuesday 30 November afternoon
Tuesday 30 November evening
Wednesday 1 December morning
Wednesday 1 December afternoon

Glazing is by appointment only - please call the studio to arrange 07 838 1950.

Drop-offs and pickups are best at these times but can be done contactless during other studio times if you measure in advance.

Please collect your fired items and WIPs

If you have bisqeware or WIPs which have been in the studio, please come in to collect them within the next two weeks. Our shelf space is full and we really need to clear old work as soon as possible.

The best time to come is during the times above as we have to limit the number of people in the studio at a time. It is unlikely you can enter during class time. If you are in doubt about whether it is a good time, please call us in advance on 07 8381950.


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