Check out the latest news at Waikato Society of Potters!


Potters' Press 25 October 2022

colourful, patterned ceramic Christmas decorations

Christmas decorations made by one of our members

A short week

What a lovely treat to have the extra long weekend with the sun shining, especially as this week kicks off the beginning of Term 4 classes and the start of what is usually the busiest few months in our calendar.

I hope you all had a lovely spring weekend. Perhaps you went away or had some time in the garden getting your summer vegetables planted as is customary on Labour Day.

Two images sit side by side. One of various white plant markers with black lettering of vegetable names. The other some asparagus painted on a ceramic base

Term 4 Classes begin

Please note that we will be returning to term time schedules and check the online calendar before coming in as Open Studio sessions will be different to recent weeks.

If you would still like to learn some wheel throwing or handbuilding, there are still spaces on some classes and there is still time to secure a place. These will be the last classes until February 2023.

Clay price changes

As you will all be aware, the cost of almost everything is going up lately. Shipping continues to be impacted by world events too. The cost of glaze chemicals and clay have not escaped. Some of our clay prices are going to be changing next week in response to supplier prices for the club. We will also introduce a separate clay fee for members and non-members, At this stage the increase is to Primo clay prices with a few dollars increased on most of the clays. Members also continue to benefit from club bulk buying and avoidance of freight costs. The society does not profit from clay sales and we do our best to keep these low, but we do need to cover the costs involved to the society in providing this service.

We have a few new (to us) Primo clays to try out. Speckled clays are all the rage at the moment and we have stocked up on some Primo speckled clays - one in grey and one cream. We've also stocked some heavily grogged grey to try out too,

Viewing the Diploma students' work

12.30-2pm, Friday 4 November 2022 at the Waikato Society of Potters club rooms 

Our amazing Diploma in Ceramic Arts students have worked so hard this year. Their end of year assessment day is approaching fast. We always make some time during the assessment day for friends, family and members to pop in to see their work. This year, people are invited to view their work while the students are having their lunch break. If you have some time available between 12.30 and 2pm on 4 November, we welcome you to pop in to the studio. We are so proud of them and think you will be too.

This week in the studio

Open Studio

  • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 1-4pm
  • Thursday 10am-1pm
  • Friday 10am-4pm

Play with Clay

  • Tuesday 6-9pm
  • Wednesday 9.30am-1pm
  • No PWC on Saturday 29 October

Nerikomi coloured clay workshop with Alex Wilkinson on Saturday and Sunday.

Nerikomi coloured clay functional ware by Alex Wilkinson

Nerikomi coloured clay functional ware by Alex Wilkinson


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