Check out the latest news at Waikato Society of Potters!

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It’s a newsletter-lite version this week

We’ve been getting back to our standard routine here in the studio. The last of the School Holiday Programme pots are coming out of the kilns tomorrow, our Term 3 classes have started, and Diploma is back in session. All is right and well in this corner of the world 😊...

July 26, 2024

Catch up with the latest happenings at WSP

We hope you’ve had a great week! We’ve finished up with the School Holiday Programmes here in the studio, and the two-day Greg Barron workshop took place this past weekend. It was an incredibly informative and inspiring time for the attendees and many of them will be returning in a few weeks to fire up the Phoenix kiln with Greg as Firemaster. There are still a couple of spots available for that firing, so if you’d like the experience of wood firing with one of New Zealand’s Master Potte...

July 19, 2024

Piccies and stories from recent events

What a week it’s been here! We’ve hosted three of our four School Holiday Pottery Programmes this week, with one more to follow next week. What a blast we’ve had. And we’ve received great feedback about the programmes from both the children and their parents, so this will definitely be something we’ll do again in the future.And of course we had the Throwdown last weekend, which was as hilarious and bonkers as always. Read about Throwdown and check out the pics below, plus there’s a w...

July 12, 2024

Throwdown, Exhibition deadline change, Pick of the Month

Tomorrow is the throwdown and next week we kick off our school holiday programmes! It’s all go and we’ve been busy this week getting prepped for these great events.All our members are invited to come along and join us tomorrow for the Mighty Waikato Pottery Throwdown, bring a kai if you can. In fact, the shared lunch has been more frequently talked about this week than the competitions, so it’s looking like it’s going to be as fabulous a feast as it was last year!We're kicking off at 10a...

July 5, 2024

Mānawatia a Matariki

As we head into this Matariki weekend, we’d like to reflect on the mahi and contributions of our committee members, volunteers, artists in residence, tutors, members and all our visitors over the past year. We’re grateful to work in a place where people are learning, creating and sharing their time, energy and experiences with clay so generously. Thank you to each and every one of you for bringing your wairua and korero to our studio, it fills our hearts.This past Saturday, we had Dave Austi...

June 27, 2024

OMGGG* - even more classes and events for you!

*OMGGG: Oh my good golly gosh!...

June 21, 2024

Classes, workshops, events - all the dates!

This week we’ve just got some reminders for you about all the workshops, classes and events we’ve got on offer at the moment. It’s a chocka-block studio schedule 😊...

June 14, 2024

Cashless studio, Abstract sculpture workshop, Annual exhibition

We’ve had a lovely week here, with lots of sunshiny faces bringing warmth into the wintery studio :) This weekend it’s all go, there’s the usual Play with Clay, plus a prep day for next weekend’s Phoenix wood firing, and the Sunday Wheel Taster class, followed by Yasmin’s Watercolours on Clay workshop.We’ve got a new Abstract Sculpture workshop offering for September too – take a look below, and check out all the other news too....

June 7, 2024

School holiday programme, new adult classes, clay melts!

Our term break is coming up, and we’ve got some new classes and workshops to satisfy your clay cravings. We’ll also be running some School Holiday Programmes – take a look, and feel free to share with your friends who might be looking for something creative and fun for the kiddies to do. Check them out below!...

May 31, 2024

Meet Mark, Mighty Waikato Pottery Throw Down

Another week of potty goodness down! It’s been quietish in the studio this week – come see us soon, we miss you 😊...

May 24, 2024

Elected Committee, New Life Members, Workshops etc.

The results of the glazing portion of the Liz Sharek workshop came out of the kiln earlier in the week – much oooing and aaaahing and patting of pots took place in the kiln room. Some gorgeous results!...

May 17, 2024

AGM, Exhibition Countdown, Upcoming Events

We hope you’re all keeping warm and well in this cold weather. If you’re cold, then we’ve got the heaters on for you! And if you’re not feeling well… we still love you dearly, but we’d also love if you could please wait till you’re better before coming into the studio. We have a duty to all our staff, volunteers and visitors to do our best in operating a safe studio environment and we do have some immuno-compromised people here who are put at risk by coughs and sniffles etc. Thanks...

May 10, 2024

Too many subjects to list here this week - just dive in and get reading

We’ve had a great couple of weeks here. All the Open Day creations have been glazed and fired and are ready to collect. A huge thanks to our Artists in Residence and to Margaret in particular for their mahi in numbering and glazing everything and getting it through the kilns in less than 2 weeks. We think we’ve processed over 600 pieces in all! All items are now ready for collection, so if you came along and made something, or know anyone who did you can stop in and find them in the kitchen ...

May 3, 2024

AGM, Term 2 Classes, Lino Cut Tile Workshop, Matariki-themed Workshop and more!!

First up, we’d like to say a huuuuge thank you to everyone who helped with Open Day! For those who were here you’ll know that we had an enormous number of visitors and it was such a big team effort to show them all the WSP love. We are now firing and glazing all the awesome creations that were made on the day, so they can be ready for our new friends to collect next week. Thanks everyone for making this such a cool day, we had lots of great feedback about the event and the friendliness of ou...

April 19, 2024

Upcoming workshops with Liz Sharek and Greg Barron!

Open Day is on tomorrow!! We’re pretty excited about it, and super stoked about the number of volunteers who’ve signed up to help us – thank you so very much <3 Today we’re tarting up the studio and putting some spangles on her and, with luck, this weather will pass before Saturday and we’ll have heaps of visitors to introduce to our awesome clay whānau.In other news......

April 12, 2024

Wood firings, Open Day, Raku, Pick of the Month - it's all on!

The first wood firing for the year is well underway, with loading happening tomorrow and firing on Sunday. Term 1 classes are finishing up, Pick of the Month for March has been chosen, and we’re getting Open Day and the next Phoenix firing organised! So it’s busy as ever here in this fab little studio, thanks for being a part of all that makes it so special :)...

April 5, 2024

Happy Easter clay folks!

It’s been a busy little short-week here in the studio and we’ve been nailing down some specifics on the workshops that are coming up. There will be more details to come, but we’ll have local artist, David Austin, guiding a Matariki themed workshop on the 22nd and 23rd of June – save the dates! And the names Liz Sharek, Duncan Shearer and Greg Barron just may have been thrown around in conversation. And on top of that, Andrea du Chatenier, this year’s judge for the WSP exhibition, will ...

March 28, 2024

Term 2 Classes, Wood Firing Extension, Open Day

Hey potter friends! Check out this week’s news below…...

March 22, 2024

Phoenix Wood Firing, Open Day

Kia ora folksThis week we’ve been madly planning the first WSP wood firing for the year and getting the word out about the upcoming Open Day. Find the details in this week’s newsletter....

March 15, 2024

Open Day, Annual Exhibition, New Mini-term Class

It’s been a watery week in the studio, with a broken tap and a leaking roof! But our fab landlords, Hamilton City Council, have us all patched up again, and we’re hopeful all remains calm over the weekend for Play with Clay and Sunday’s class....

March 8, 2024

There's lots happening at WSP - check out the latest...

Kia ora e te whānauThe sun is shining again, Diploma teaching has started, our second lot of Term 1 taster classes are starting, Phoenix wood firings are in the planning stage, and the indoor kilns are running hot – everything is right with the WSP world! Check out this week’s newsletter below and let us know if you have anything to include in next week’s....

March 1, 2024

More classes available, please give us your wood ash

The studio vibe this week has been particularly happy and energetic, it’s always such a joy to see your faces coming in the door and your excitement when you pick up your pieces. We had the lovely Craig firing the gas kiln this week and the pots are out on the shelves for you to collect. It was a great firing resulting in toasty clay bodies and nice reduction. Don’t forget, Raku Club is on tomorrow (Saturday) it’s always fun to watch, even if you’re not firing pots this time around....

February 23, 2024

Just a short newsletter this week

Kia ora pottery people! It’s been another hot one this week, we’ve been spraying the wet cupboards to keep the work in progress from drying out, and racing to get the recycled clay processed before it gets too hard! It’s also been fab seeing all the new faces and creations in the Term 1 classes. Just a short newsletter this week – check it out below…...

February 16, 2024

Clay reclaim, raku club, and more...

Classes are underway this week and it’s been great seeing the studio getting busier and welcoming new faces to our community. And with the increase in studio use the kilns are running hot! Margaret is (as ever) doing a marvellous job of getting all your work fired, especially with Kiln 1 down, so with the extra work coming in, everything is making its way through the process in the usual speedy manner....

February 9, 2024

New Manager, volunteer opportunities, Piece of the Month and more

Please join us in welcoming our new Manager, Josephine Hughes, who started with us this week.While Josephine has had some experience with clay, having gained a Certificate in Ceramics (with distinction!); her main focus in her career has been working in galleries and museums as an exhibitions designer. Having worked at the Robert McDougall Art Gallery, The Dowse Art Museum, Auckland Museum, Waikato Museum and MTG Hawke’s Bay, Josephine has an intense respect for objects, materials and their ma...

February 2, 2024 Posts 1-25 of 137 | Page next

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